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Crime and the Sacking of America: The Roots of Chaos

a book by Andrew Peyton Thomas

(our site's book review)

Thomas sees America in decline, from the replacement of community spirit with self-interested individuals to illegitimacy. “The most likely future of America would seem a gradual return to a sort of feudalism.”

Feudalism: serfs carry the royalty
Feudalism: serfs carry the royalty

To avoid this, we must build more prisons, hire more guards and police, and staff more courts. There’s plenty of other ideas in this conservative book with a law and order bent. A war on crime proposed in 1994 seems a bit redundant. Taxing x-rated videos is more creative, but about as close to a real solution as a mission to Mars to convince the Martians to come and save us from ourselves.

Mars: perhaps the Martians will come and save us from ourselves
Mars: perhaps the Martians will come and save us from ourselves