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On the Wings of Self-Esteem

a book by Louise Hart

(our site's book review)

Dr. Louise Hart has written an astonishing book. It’s called On the Wings of Self-Esteem. It’s about personal transformation and it contains amazing self-esteem guidance from Dr. Louise Hart. This is simply the best self-transformation book ever written. It is also the most effective one. It respects the intrinsic worth, beauty and goodness in human beings, understands what happens in society in general and families in particular that blocks, covers, or distorts our initial nature, and guides us through the process that is required to recover all this beautiful humanness.

Written in harmony with the incomparable wisdom found in her The Winning Family book, her guidebook and companion to personal fulfillment, freedom, restoration and autonomy, On the Wings of Self-Esteem and The Winning Family should be required reading in the education of every person on the planet.

On the Wings of Self-Esteem and The Winning Family should be required reading in the education of every person on the planet
On the Wings of Self-Esteem and The Winning Family should be required reading in the education of every person on the planet

Revolution From Within, by Gloria Steinem, would be good to read as well for even more great self-esteem wisdom. Finally, P.E.T. Parent Effectiveness Training is a great source of wisdom about both parenting and relationships.