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Overthrowing Hollywood And The Broadcast Elites

an article by George Gilder

(our site's article review)

Everyone from Tipper Gore to Newt Gingrich to Bill Bradley have been critical of Hollywood’s negative, nihilistic, hedonistic, civic-culture-subverting attitudes and products. Do we need them pushing the envelope on ugliness, violence, smut, and narcissism simply because they legally can get away with it? Do audiences really desire lowest-common-denominator entertainment made with little artistry, thought or moral sensibility, but merely sensationalism for profit motives? The book Media Sexploitation says "man has done a superb job of conspiring unconsciously against finding out about himself."

Do audiences really desire lowest-common-denominator entertainment made with little artistry, thought or moral sensibility, but merely sensationalism?
Do audiences really desire lowest-common-denominator entertainment made with little artistry, thought or moral sensibility, but merely sensationalism?

George Gilder, a high-tech cultural conservative, says no. He sees interactive multimedia, video by demand over our TV cables, on-line bookstores and other new technological innovations as boosting us from a lowest-common-denominator culture to a first-choice culture. In other words, individuals can make informed, intelligent, artistic choices about media rather than settling for sensationalistic garbage from bottom-line-focused studio executives. Like the Tofflers say, this means that we’ll switch from Second Wave mass culture products to Third Wave multimedia products, and both say this will improve the culture.

Individuals can make informed, intelligent, artistic choices about media rather than settling for sensationalistic garbage
Individuals can make informed, intelligent, artistic choices about media rather than settling for sensationalistic garbage